Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Having a baby?

I do not claim to be a expert (on anything really) and I don't know a lot but over the last 3 years of having 2 babies I have learned TONS! Last night I was at a Thanksgiving dinner party and one of the ladies is expecting her first~without even realizing it things kept on coming to mind to share with her~things that I wish someone had shared with me.  So whether she expected it or not I shared some of the little things and big things that I have learned since becoming pregnant with my daughter a few years ago....pregnant, birth, breastfeed, pregnant again when Marley was 9 months old, birth, breastfeed (that's where I am right now:)  As I was up nursing Jonah at 3am-ish, all these 'things' came to mind...'things' that I like sharing, 'things' that I have experienced, researched and learned about thru accident, some on purpose.  I decided I would write a post that encompassed these 'things'~and maybe help, give insight, or just some seeds for thought for those that are in baby mode in some way, shape or form.  Again, these are just 'things' I have learned and experiences (just like pregnancies, births, and babies) are all SO VASTLY different :)  So in no-particular order here are some 'things' you might find useful (or not lol)!


1.  My experience with a Midwife was phenomenal.  The holistic care, the mastery of pregnancy, labour and birth, the availability to help and answer questions, the support ~ everything involved expected and unexpected.  If you read previous posts my experience with my doctors was not a positive one and long story short my c-section (Marley) was a result of impatience on the doctors part as I am a slow labourer.  Decided when I was pregnant with Jonah to go with a midwife and luckily I got in ~ the appointments were more personal, didn't feel rushed, all questions answered and things I would never even think to ask brought to my attention.  Jonah took a while to arrive (close to 21 hours from when labour started) and my midwife guided me thru all the tough times to make my hope of a natural birth a reality.  Positions, techniques, and everything else involved really made the difference.  So my hope is that you do your research and learn as much as you can about your OPTIONS ~ obviously when a baby needs to be delivered via c-section in a medical emergency your options are limited and key is to get baby out healthy and safe while keeping mama safe too.  But there is and has been the scenario where doctors are impatient and take that route for whatever reason (though it is not a medical emergency as in my case).  Being in labour for the first time without much support (doctors and nurses are in and out not really there to help you with techniques and positions though I am sure some try and help a lot), we were scared when the doctor came in and said "If you don't progress this much in the next hour we are going to have to do a c-section" you are even more scared and of course that is not going to help you relax and work with your body ~ you are tense and don't know what to do.  For sure not saying all doctors are bad and all midwives are amazing but I think you really need to be on the same philosophy/beliefs/practices as your care provider.  I also HIGHLY disagree with the fact that here at my city hospital you get whomever is on-call and that chances of getting your actual doctor are low so all the birth plans, knowing your beliefs, situations, etc. really goes out the window.  If your doctor was for sure the one to deliver your baby then things that happened to me may not happen as much.
For my family a midwife was the way to go.  A birthing centre or at home would have be the next step (if I wasn't a high risk birth due to being a VBAC patient).  The labour and birth of your child is one of the most amazing experiences of your life and I think every measure needs to be taken to get the BEST care possible ~ to me that means respecting a woman's wants and needs regarding natural birth (if there is no medical reason for c-section of course).  I loved delivering my son though yes it was the toughest thing I have had to do in my life and took every ounce of my strength but once he was out and they put him on my chest and it was pure euphoria.  My bond with Jonah was so immediate (whereas I didn't get to really hold Marley or see her until I unfroze a couple hours after c-section).  So bonding was stronger off from the start, breastfeeding was easier, recovery was extremely fast (went to the fair 5 days after Joe was born!), post-partum blues were minimal ~ I was just happier overall and in turn was a better mama when times were stressful.  And Jonah seemed to be just a calmer, peaceful, chill baby and I believe it has to due with how he came into this world ~ out of mom and onto mom.  It is already a traumatic CRAZY experience for a baby and if you can show baby you are there I think it makes the transition so much easier.  Again, if you have go with a c-section for a medical reason ~ different story ~ obviously making sure baby and mommy are safe and ok is key.
If you can not get a midwife (because they book up SO fast) I really encourage a doula ~ just having that support person to help with making decisions are such an overwhelming time would be so helpful!

Ok that ended up being a long #1 point LOL ~ let's get down to the little things!

http://www.amazon.ca/Ina-Mays-Guide-Childbirth-Material/dp/0553381156and check out her website http://inamay.com

Lots of great stories, explanations, tips ~ you name it.  Really can help you make informed decisions and also great tips for labouring and birth.

3.  Read THE HAPPIEST BABY ON THE BLOCK by Harvey Karp  http://www.amazon.ca/Happiest-Baby-Block-Harvey-Karp/dp/0553381466
Here's a little more info summarized on Baby Center http://www.babycenter.com/0_harvey-karps-happiest-baby-method-for-baby-sleep-and-soothin_10373838.bc

Either way this is BY FAR THE MOST USEFUL BABY BOOK I HAVE EVER READ!  It truly works ~ Marley and Jonah are 5 S's babies all the way!  DO IT AND THANK HARVEY FOR IT!

I know the Baby Whisperer is another good one and gives lots of good tips but Harvey Karp's book was better at giving straight up HOW TO and that's what a mama needs!  Read both and take what you like the best from both and what works for your babe:)

4.  Best stroller: BOB http://www.bobgear.com/strollers  This was the only thing other than cloth diapers that I bought new when Marley was around 6 months old.  I LOVE this stroller ~ it is light, practical, so easy to turn and use, goes anywhere in any type of weather and terrain.  Best purchase for sure.  You can get them used too so if the price tag is a little steep then go that route but really a crappy stroller is a pain in the butt.  I started with a Graco which was fine but found it heavy and didn't go where I wanted to go.  Seriously a good stroller gets you outside which is important and baby is happier too:)

5.  Cloth Diapers:  I started using cloth with my first when she was around 5-6 months old ~ I used Bum Genius ~ mainly Flips and some all-in-ones.  I have a variety of types and brands depending on what I could get for a great deal.  Flips worked best for my daughter but the all-in-ones worked best for my son (he would pee thru the flips super fast).  Either way it did save us money for sure but with both kids I stopped around 11-12 months because they would both pee thru whichever one no matter how many inserts I used.  I used them sporadically with Jonah ~ mainly if I know I can be on top of changing him often and I do have some Bum Genius Flip potty trainer ones too that I used with Marley ~ she was a quick potty trainer so never got used a lot but I will try them with Jonah when he is at that stage.  http://www.flipdiapers.com Something I learned while getting into cloth diapers is the expensive cloth diaper laundry soap is the same as COUNTRY SAVE http://www.countrysave.com  Buy it at London Drugs ~ I still use it!  A good site about how to wash cloth diapers is http://www.zany-zebra.com/wash-cloth-diapers.shtml.  This is an email I have sent to any friends that ask about doing cloth diapers:

"So we use bumGenius Flip diapers-they are a hybrid which means you don't have to wash whole diaper(like all in ones) - you just wash insert and cover when soiled(I wipe the inside of the cover after I wipe marley when it is just pee). We have a system of 30 diapers- you can get these ones in a box to save money so you get 2 covers, 6 inserts per box - a box is $55 ---- we bought 4 boxes of that then one box of the organic cotton inserts(better absorbency for night) which is $75 again 2 covers and 6 inserts. 
We also got a diaper sprayer, a pack of disposable inserts(haven't used them yet) and 2 wet bags(later I bought 2 more - large to hang off of change table and a travel size for diaper bag-these are waterproof, no smell,etc. Bummis and planet wise are great!- buy online you can get them cheaper!  )
So this is the jist:
1. 4 boxes of flip with regular inserts
2. 1 box of flip with organic insert
3. Large wet bag to hang (I don't like the pail so hanging wet bags are great) and travel wet bag (I would get 2 hanging and 2 travel)
4. Diaper sprayer(not a have too but nice to have)
5. Roll of biodegradable liners (makes dealing with poop a lot easier )
6. Rock n green detergent(best out of all cloth diaper friendly detergent- buy online can get great deals)
7. Shake it up-powder made by rock n green that you sprinkle into your wet bag keeps it smelling better
8. Pack of disposable inserts for flip diapers(not needed just nice to have in some situations)
So that makes a really complete system! There are newborn clothdiapers by bumgenius too since newborns are a bit differently shaped. They actually told me to not start cloth until baby is  a couple months old but you could if you wanted too. 
Ummm~ I will forward you a great website from cotton babies (check out the clearance/sale area!! Seconds are just diapers that had a little defect still work perfect but say the sewing was not straight things like that). I would by used online check out castanet or Kijiji or baby swap pages on Facebook. 
Don't buy G diapers!
Bumgenius, fuzzibuns, Kathy, thristies, grovia all great. 
Hybrids are better!
To wash you throw diapers and wet bag in- do cold rinse with little detergent (we have a basic washer so I just do a 3 min delicate cycle cold water)
Then take out wet bag - don't wash them in hot as you can ruin the waterproof sealing
Add detergent and wash hot, double rinse
Throw inserts and wetbags in dryer, dry on low heat 
Hang diaper covers - I put up a little clothes line in my laundry closet works like a charm!
That's it!!!!  
I sometimes use a disposable at night if I have to change marley between boob feedings as it is quick and easy. 
Flips are good from 8-35 lbs!!! Snaps are better than Velcro for longevity!
I go thru about half my stash every few days - never use them all. I make sure to rotate them around. Put the newly washed ones at the bottom of the pile type thing. 
Best to do a load every 2-3 days. Easy as pie:)
Best website to buy that I found was 
Baby bellhop out of Victoria- amazing company. Good deals. Check out clearance that would start you up for sure if you wanted to buy new. Detergent, wet bags, accessories, everything there is good deal. Free shipping when spend $100. 

You can't use dryer sheets with cloth diapers as it effects absorbency. 
Same with diapers creams/ointment. If you need something for little bum rash use grovia magic stick and throw biodegradable liner over insert. You can get it at baby bellhop:). You can also do a trial run from them. More details on their website:)
You for sure don't need to have all the same diapers so if you buy some flips and some fuzzibuns or something depending on sales, etc that's completely fine!"

6.  Skin Care:  We were/are super cautious about the ingredients in things like baby wash, lotions, etc. and have found a lot of the mainstream ones are chalked full not-so-good things.  After doing some research we found a few really yummy products and we have never had any skin issues with either baby.  A local company is AMAZING and her products are starting to get into a variety of stores ~ I go to her little shop out in Lavington but I believe Save-On might be selling her products.  Either way for baby wash and lotions (and everything in between) check out BACK TO EARTH http://backtoearthenviroproducts.com/index.php/baby-products.html/  Even things like diaper cream ~ "Sweet Pea Herbal Balm" (used to be bum balm) is fantastic ~ you can use it on bug bites, scratches, rashes, chapped skin, anything!  It is for sure my fav!  Another product that was a life saver when I was struggling with breastfeeding Marley (super painful but not mastitis just sore) is called Gentian Violet http://www.nbci.ca/index.php?option=com_content&id=73:using-gentian-violet&Itemid=17  This really helped with the pain and Marley looked pretty cool with a purple mouth:)

7.  Teething:  Your baby will teethe ~ some are fine and some are cranky.  There are a few things you can try other than Children's Tylenol:)  Both of my babies wore teething necklaces (MAKE SURE IT IS GOOD QUALITY BALTIC AMBER and not just beads) ~ It seemed to work for Jonah, whereas it didn't make much of a noticeable difference for Marley.  Hylands teething tablets (you can buy them from Nature's Fare here in Vernon) seemed to help too.  I also liked using homeopathic products from Boiron like Camila (for teething) http://boiron.ca/en/products/children/camilia/
For sure if you buy an amber teething necklace get it from one of the baby steal sites listed below and pay a third of what you would if you went to a store:)

8.  Swaddling:  Both of my babies were swaddled and it seemed to help A LOT!  But when Jonah was new I came across the most amazing MUSLIN BLANKETS at Chicken Little here in town.  They are fantastic blankets ~ not heavy or bulky.  One of the makers is Aden&Anais http://www.adenandanais.com/shop/swaddles.aspx
The blankets are so nice and big you can actually swaddle your baby effectively.  I used 2 because Jonah always seemed to break free from the first layer but was stuck at the second.  I also really like using them as a little blanket in the summer or a stroller/carseat cover to keep out the elements.  I can see myself using them for years:)  Very cute designs to and the more you wash them the softer they become! Another item a friend passed on to me was the WOOMBIE ~ ain't no breaking free from thisn puppy!  It was really handy when you had to do a quick swaddle. http://www.woombie.com/the_original_woombie.html

9.  Gear:  If you ever need to buy ANYTHING for your baby you must check out the facebook selling groups, baby deal sites and the giant Kids Garage Sale (held at the rec center in Spring and Fall) ~ if you don't live in Vernon, check and see if your city holds something similar ~ LOTS of great deals to be had.
Here are a list of BABY DEAL SITES(your husband is going to hate me hahaha):

  1. Baby Half Off http://babyhalfoff.com
  2. Baby Steals (also linked to Kid Steals and She Steals) http://baby.steals.com
  3. Baby Heist http://www.babyheist.com/category_1/Heist-of-the-Day.htm
  4. True Cuddles http://www.truecuddles.ca
  5. Bundles and Buzz http://www.bundlesandbuzz.com
  6. Mama Bargains http://www.mamabargains.com
  7. Baby Cheapskate http://www.babycheapskate.com
  8. Sweet Baby Deals http://www.sweetbabydealz.com
  9. Mamas Retreat http://www.mamasretreat.com
  10. Mom n Tot Deals http://www.momntotdeals.com
**By far Baby Steals has the best deals more often than the others and check the ARCHIVE (esp around Christmas ~ they do big sales on things that on sale already and sometimes free shipping)

SHOPS (Local to Vernon BC Canada)
  1. Second Street Children's Store (Vernon) ~ bought my Bob Stroller and accessories there ~ lots of good consignment items as well:)
  2. TJ's Kiddies Store (Kelowna) ~ great prices esp. on floor display items ~ I bought the floor display model of my daughter's nightstand there reg. $125.00 Got it for $20 because it had a little chip out of the back corner!  For sure the best prices around, amazing selection!
  3. Baby & Me (Kelowna) ~ awesome selection and they have some good sales too!  Lots of furniture and uniques things.  All the top quality brands.  Great place to buy your swaddling blankets too:) 

  1. Vernon & Area Buy'n Sell, Swap, Trade, Give Away
  2. Vernon Kid Swap Buy/Sell
  3. Vernon & Area Buy & Sell Children's Items
  4. Vernon Parents Swap & Shop
  5. Vernon and Area Buy & Sell Everything
  6. Kelowna Parent's Buy and Sell

BEST BABY BUMP AND BABY AND FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHER IN VERNON IS BY FAR Image Studios ~ Caylee Secretan and Fiona Forshaw!!!  Seriously go to their Facebook pages and LIKE them ~ they are soooo good and they do lots of giveaways and deals:)  LOVE THEM!!

  1. Guzzie & Guss Highchair ~ we love wooden stuff and it was a great price (bought it at TJ's)http://www.guzzieandguss.com/buffet-highchair-p-99.html  You can also buy a seat cushion in a variety of colours and designs:)
  2. Bumbo with the tray ~ buy this used for sure though ~ super handy with both of my babies ~ Marley liked it more though.
  3. Dream Screen by Lamaze ~ I don't think they make or sell this product anymore but I bought this at the big kids garage sale.  Both my kids loved this once they turned one-ish.  http://www.amazon.com/Lamaze-LC27104-Dream-Screen/dp/B000I2Q09A
  4. Sleep Sheep ~ I think ours has been used at least 90% of the time when putting our kids to bed.  I love the whale sounds:) http://www.sleepsheepandfriends.com/sheep.html
  5. Robeez Shoes ~ these are the best!  They are easy to get on and they stay on! Never buy from a store ~ buy from their website ~ they are always having big sales and they are shipped really fast!  LOVE THESE! http://www.myrobeez.ca
  6. Padraig Slippers ~ these are awesome too!  Easy to get on and Jonah loves his! http://www.padraigcottage.com/m-55-padraig.aspx
  7. Carriers ~ it really depends on the baby and you.  Both mine have used a few different ones and like them just fine.  Ergo, Bjorn, Cuddly Wrap.
  8. 4MOMS Mamaroo ~ this is the holy grail of automatic bouncy chairs ~ huge life saver when Jonah needed constant movement for those hard nights:) http://www.4moms.com/mamaroo  I also borrowed a friends swing which was a huge help and we also had a bouncy chair that you push with your foot.  All handy ~ you need a place to put baby down sometimes.  Really you only use these special items for a short amount of time so if you can get them used or just borrow them that is the way to go:)
So I think that covers most of it ~ of course I will go to sleep tonight and think of something else but these are the main ones:)  Hopefully it will help make your search for things easier and you will find some great deals.  If there is ever a product you want to research or compare Baby Gizmo.com on youtube do great and honest reviews.  Of course every mom has things to share from her experience too so ask them too:)  Enjoy the deal sites!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Keep on keeping on...

Well it is almost summer and I am so excited!  I am excited that Marley loves building sand castles and can actually swim with me this year (somewhat:)  I am excited to have baby Jonah at the beach eating sand and splashing in the water.  This first time we took him to the beach a couple weeks ago he literally crawled his way about 15 feet to the water.  It was like a baby sea turtle making his way to the ocean ~ all you saw were these two tracks.  So cute!  I am excited that we might be moving soon ~ still listed and waiting but it could happen!  Man I hope it does!  I am excited to take the kids camping and boating.  One other thing that I am super pumped about is the new me physique wise.  I think this is the first time in my life I have actually felt comfortable and confident in a two piece bathing suit.  I am the most fit I have ever been and the most healthy though my husband and I have led a healthy lifestyle for many years in terms of eating and being active.  But I have really kicked it up a notch and I am still training at Excel http://excelfit.ca 4 to 6 times a week ~ 45 minute classes.  I am down another 5lbs and now am working at maintaining ~ which isn't really work at all as it is pretty much the new normal.  I really do crave the awesome workout sessions and LOVE leaving there drenched in sweat ~ literally dripping.  I rarely have any 'bad' cravings for things I used to like mocha frappicinos and other sweets.  I do eat a lot and I pretty much eat all day ~ healthy veggies, fruits, grains, etc.  I also have a couple water bottles I keep filled all day that I drink (if my daughter doesn't drink it first lol!)  I do have a cookie every now and then, I do have other treats once in a while ~ who doesn't like an ice capp in the summer heat!  But I just make sure I am balanced in my diet and maintain my activity level.  Here are some pics of the current me when I first put on my bathing suit (it's an old bathing suit but it was expensive and it fits fine:)
Let's keep in mind that I have a 26 month old little girl and a 9 month old baby boy so yes it is possible mamas ~ if I can achieve this so can you<3
Side note ~ I have always had a bum and bigger legs since I can remember ~ this is the first time since I was probably 13 that I have had a space between my inner thighs and a smaller toned bum!  My body has completely changed! 
Holy calves batman!
Marley is my trainer:)

So last August when I was about to deliver Baby Jonah I was 185 ~ had Baby Jonah on August 22, 2012 (he was 8lbs 6oz) and about 2 weeks later weighed myself and I was 170 or so.  I started back at the gym about 5 weeks postpartum (heal time from a natural birth compared to my daughter's c-section was sooooo different!).  I was going to my gym classes about 3 times a week but my eating habits in terms of consistency, etc. were not great nor was I getting much sleep ~ which is bound to happen when you have a new baby, a 2 year old and they are sharing a room in our 2 bedroom townhouse! AHh! Oh and breastfeeding exclusively and sure your body holds onto some nourishing fat for that:)  SO not much progress made for the next few months and then I find myself at 165 and it's December ~ complete bummer and sure doesn't help with one's self esteem when you are so hormonal:) Decided it was time to kick it into high gear and what better way to do that than to sign up for the "60 DAY FITNESS CHALLENGE" Excel Fitness http://excelfit.ca was holding.  Weighed in on January 6 and I was 165 of lovely mama body.  Measurements done.  So from that moment I started to go to gym classes 5-6 days a week (keep in mind these are 45 minutes at a time ~ perfect mama break for a breastfeeding mom that has to get back to feed a little guy!).  I made sure my diet was healthy, consistent and balanced.  Nothing extreme ~ just eat good food and do it all the time (like 6 meals a day~pretty much a grazer) AND drink a ton of water!  We do eat a lot of organic and unprocessed food so it wasn't that much of a change ~ just keeping on top of it!  Fast forward 60 days ~ I win the challenge ~ YAY!  Lost over 20 pounds in 60 days ~ more importantly lost a lot of inches and body fat plus gained a lot of muscle.  Oh and another side note ~ I have PUBIC SYMPHOSIS INSTABILITY from back to back babies ~ pretty much the joint holding my 2 large pelvis bones in loosey goosey ~ BAD NEWS I CAN'T DO ANYTHING 1 LEGGED!  No lunges, no running what so ever, no balance on one leg crap, no star jumps, no mountain climbers, nothing!  So guess what ~ my instructors helped my modify (along with advice from physio and chiro)  I started this process not being able to walk much without pain ~ limping around a lot of the day.  So these were my keys moves that I still do a lot of today:
1. SQUATS are your best friend ~ grab a kettle bell and do some shoulder presses while you are at it:) turn it up a notch and jump while you are it or stay down and pulse.  Either way you don't need a gym to do squats:)
2.  BURPEES ~ I have to step back one leg at a time so I am not the fastest but boy is it good cardio!
3.  SKIPPING ~ while others were doing sprints, I would be skipping ~ I now can skip for a few minutes straight and fast too:)
4.  SPIN ~ no matter how you look at it cycling provides a great workout! 

In addition to all that I do strength training, stretching, some core work (lots of glute bridges to help with my pelvis), and sometimes when I am feel strong I will do stairs but the moment I am hurting I pull back otherwise I will have a rough next day.  I am now able to run a bit (say around the bases when I play ball) but running is still quite the struggle for me.  SO yep I lost all these inches, all this weight and didn't run a mile!  

Fast forward to NOW:  I weigh roughly 135 ~ I have dropped a couple more % of body fat as well.  I am now wearing a size 8 which is the smallest I have been since I was about 12! LOL!  It's really not about the size to me ~ I just wanted to fit into clothes without being uncomfortable.  I wanted to feel strong and help heal my injury.  I just want to feel great and looking great is fun too!  I will never be a skinny girl as I am naturally a muscley person ~ and I am super happy to be that way!  I mean check out the biceps and the calves in the pictures above ~ Love it!  Things are just so much easier when you are in great shape ~ climbing the stairs while holding a 2 year old in one arm and a car seat with a 21 pound 9 month old in the other arm, cleaning the house, running errands, etc.  It is all easier and it feels awesome to just go into my closet and grab whatever and throw it on without worrying about it being tight.  I now throw things on and am like "damn too big!"  Now that is rewarding!  

I am still breastfeeding A LOT so even though my plan is to lose about another 10lbs, tone up more, get rid of some more body fat (2% more), I am just maintaining where I am at right now and staying healthy and nourished so baby Jonah can reap the benefits:)  Thinking come September I am going to kick it up one more notch, train a little harder and reduce calories a tiny bit while fuelling my body for the kickass classes I will be doing. 

Right now I am happy.  Right now I am proud.  Right now I am feeling great and that's exactly where I want to be.  And it doesn't hurt that my stretch marks have almost disappeared since I have toned up my tummy!  And I hope some mom is reading this out there and gets inspired to push themselves to where she is feeling strong and healthy:)  Ha perfect timing ~ guess who just woke up looking for a boob ~ nope it's not Paul;)  I am on my way baby Joe<3

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A few of my favourite things...

You know when you come across something and you think to yourself "this is awesome ~ I wish someone had told me about this ages ago!"  Well that's what I am going to do:)  I am one of those people that has a bit of an A type personality ~ I research the heck out of things before I make decisions.  Today I will focus on SKIN CARE, BEAUTY and HAIR CARE products.  Here are some things I wish I knew about a long time ago:
1.  I have a huge appreciation for things that have pure ingredients and can thank a book called the GREEN GODDESS for that.  I had many aha moments reading that book.  When I was a teenager I would use all those products that you commonly find in the drugstore and that are well advertised.  I hated having skin that would break out so I would go buy more of this product to "fix" the problem.  After reading this book and investigating the ingredients in products I use I realize that it is a snowball effect that only benefits these companies.  So read that book and clean out your makeup, hair and skin products ~ you might be sad that it's money down the toilet but will benefit your skin & hair in the long run!  Which brings me to my next one!
2.  SUKI ~ they make skincare and hair care products ~ organic and natural all the way and not tested on animals.  They are fabulous and have research to back their products up.  You can even eat their Lemongrass Scrub!  It does come with a bit more of a price tag than crap you buy at the drugstore.  Comparable to crap you can buy at the counter at say the Bay or Sears (which have horrible ingredients BTW).  I buy mine at Nature's Fare ~ but pretty sure lots of natural foods type store carry it.  If not you can always get it online and sometimes they have great sales.  http://sukiskincare.com  I usually do a toner and moisturizer in the morning and a cleanser and then toner before bed.
3.  CURELLE ~ this is a Vancouver based company that I use for hair care products.  They have great ingredients as well and don't test on animals.  They have one product that removes other product buildup, chlorine, etc. and it is fabulous! https://www.facebook.com/curelle
4.  ZUII ~ makeup products http://www.zuiiorganic.com.  They are amazing ~ again I get mine at Nature's Fare.  Please do you skin a service and check the ingredients in your makeup ~ especially your eye makeup!  This is one of my favourite brands but there are many great organic, natural brands out there.  Use them!  Gabrielle http://www.gabrielcosmeticsinc.com is another one.  Great BLUSH!  Earth Lab is another one http://www.earthlab.ca MADE IN KELOWNA!!  Best mascara ever!  Aveda of course is wonderful too.  You can buy it at Seasons Salon and Spa in Vernon BC.
5.  BACK TO EARTH products ~ this is a little company out in Lavington BC that has skin care, hair care, cleaning supplies, detergent, candles, and the list goes on!  They are awesome too.  I am in love with their Sweet Pea Baby Balm ~ heals any diaper rash one time around ~ chap cheeks from cold windy days healed, scratches, scraps you name it.  I use it on my skin too!  http://backtoearthenviroproducts.com/index.php/baby-products.html
6.  EMU OIL http://www.kalaya.ca I like this brand a lot ~ their concentrated emu oil is an awesome all-around product and it's BABY SAFE too!  If I have a dry patch of skin, this fixes it asap.  I also would take an eyeliner brush and put some on my eyelashes when a bunch fell out right after my son was born.  They regrew back fast (within 2 weeks) and they were full and soft!  I just put it on like eyeliner right before bed (don't do too much as it will get in your eyes).  And it is usually all absorbed by morning.  Also great for cracked hands!
7.  BEST HAND CREAM IN THE WORLD is called GARDENER'S DREAM CREAM by Aroma Crystal (a BC company!) https://www.aromacrystal.com/store/products/allproducts/gardeners-dream-cream/5/  I buy mine at Nature's Fare as well.  I apply this every night before bed and when my hands are super dry and cracked.  This doesn't sting ~ it is soothing and has lavender so super relaxing to breath in.  Lasts a long time so it is money well spent.  This is the only hand cream/lotion I have EVER used in my whole life that actually works!  So great!
8.  GOT BLEMISHES, BREAKOUTS, ACNE?  Ok this will be the only product I promote that has chemically based ingredients but I have researched it and trust in the product.  My doctor prescribed it to me back when I was pregnant with my first and my hormones went all wonky around 2nd trimester. Ever since then I swear by this stuff.  I break out in a couple spots once in a while and this is an overnight fix.  I get mine in a tube, lotion form ~ put it on before bed and let it work it's magic.  Ever since I was a preteen I probably have tried every possible brand, every possible treatment.  Organic, natural, not-so-good ingredients (like Clean & Clear type stuff), expensive, cheap, you name it!  This stuff works!  And it is covered by my health care provider so that also helps.  It runs about $60 for a tube about the same size of toothpaste which will last you a long time!  Wish I had this when I was a teenager! Here's the company info on the product http://www.stiefel.ca/pdf/clindoxyl_pm.pdf
9.  Let's talk HAIR!  So best flat iron would have to be by Zazen (my stylist got in for me at the beauty supply) and best hairdryer would have to be my HOT TOOLS one ~ got it at Chatter's:)  Don't cheap out on blow dryers ~ I can't believe how fast I can dry my thick hair now!

Hope this helps!  Off to nurse Jonah!  Oh the things I do when nap time is over LOL!

Monday, March 18, 2013

I did it!

Great news!  I won the 60 Day Fitness Challenge that was hosted by my training facility ~ Excel Fitness http://excelfit.ca!  Since the start of January I have lost 23 pounds, 24 inches and 8.4% body fat.  I am so excited to keep going on my journey to reach my health & fitness goals.  It took a lot of hard work and will power to come this far and has become a lifestyle now.  I don't find the cravings, etc. like I used to have.  I am really focusing on the whole food is fuel thing and making sure I am putting wholesome, balanced, healthy things in my body.  My energy level is of course up and I fit into all my old jeans ~ most are even baggy now!  Here is a list of some of the biggest changes (that are so simple too!):
1.  Eat a very healthy breakfast ~ I like to alternate between smoothies, cereal with fruit and yogurt, peanut butter on rice cake with scrambled egg and fruit.
2.  Eat often to keep blood sugar up and keep cravings down ~ I eat about 5-6 smaller meals a day ~ whether it's some dried fruit and nuts for a snack or a banana ~ keep that food coming!
3.  Drink water (or no caffeine tea) CONSTANTLY ~ I have 2 awesome water bottles that are squeeze ones from lulu lemon that are always filled and kicking around my house.  My little girl and I are always sipping on water now!
4.  Take a multivitamin AND a PROBIOTIC ~ I have found that you really need to have a healthy digestive system to be healthy.
5.  Drink peppermint tea in the evening ~ I used to love snacking after dinner once the babies were in bed ~ now I sip on some yummy peppermint tea (which is AWESOME for digestion) before bed so my digestive system works efficiently while I sleep ~ less bloating, more regular, feel better
6.  Make dinner your last meal ~ if you have fuelled your body properly all day long I find that I am not hungry after dinner.  If you stop eating after dinner (or a minimum of 3 hours before bedtime) this gives your body a chance to do it's own little cleanse overnight!
7.  Work out EFFICIENTLY ~ I exercise many times a week ~ at least 6 times ~ most are hard core cardio and 1 or 2 are based on strength training.  My main goal is to cut the pounds, inches and body fate at this point and once I get to my magic number then I will probably pop up the strength classes.  You can do cardio every day ~ it doesn't have to be intense, almost puking, sweating like a pig cardio but move everyday!  You will never leave a workout regretting it but you will regret not doing doing it!  I love to really push myself and sweat a whole lot ~ this again acts as a mini cleanse and gets rid of toxins in your system.
8.  Cut our dairy and red meat ~ you can get calcium from SOOOO many other sources and protein and iron from sooooo many other sources that are easier for you to digest.  I do eat some cheese here or there but that's about it.  Almond milk, hemp milk, rice milk are all great "milk" alternatives!  Throw a portabello mushroom in your pasta sauce instead of beef!  Beans!
9.  Weigh in only once in a while ~ if you are concerned about the number, don't be!  It's all a journey! I weigh in Monday morning ~ before I eat but after I have nursed my 6 month old baby:)
10.  Rocks!  I filled a mason jar with rocks and every time I lose a pound I move it to the LOST jar!  It's is a good visual reminder of my goal and it feels so good to fill up my LOST jar!
11.  FOCUS on your fitness and eating great ~ I used to wear a lot of makeup and spend time doing my hair, etc.  That's NOT a bad thing but I have chosen to cut that down a ton and spend that time and energy on fitness and eating well.  Once I hit my goal then I will work at maintaining it but I can then spend time on the exterior beauty things:)  If you are skipping breakfast because you are doing hair and makeup STOP and go eat something! Go for a walk ~ you will feel so much better about yourself once you are not hiding behind those things:)
12.  TREAT YOURSELF PLAN ~ you don't need to cut out every treat, a dessert, a coffee, etc.  just make a plan ~ my plan is that I can have ONE treat ONCE a week.  My treat day is Sunday ~ I don't go crazy but I typically have my yummy piece of dark chocolate or a little piece of carrot cake.  Don't beat yourself up if you accidentally jumped off the wagon ~ just reset the next morning and start new!

Okay~I think that about covers what I am practicing right now:)  I will keep you posted on my future progress!
Transformation in 60 days!  Down 23lbs, 24 inches & 8.4% body fat!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Moving on up...

    Life is somewhat on hold at the moment.  We listed our place about two weeks ago and are anxiously awaiting a call from our realtor telling us someone wants to make an offer.  It is a very exciting time!  We have an offer in on a place we would LOVE to live subject to the sale of our townhouse.  Keeping hope alive that it all works out!  Having two wee babes in a two bedroom townhouse isn't all that bad ~ but sometimes it can be a real bummer ~ like when you just get one to sleep and the other one wakes him/her up:( Boo!  We really want to have a home where we can spend years and years ~ really make it a place where our kids love to play.  One of the homes that one looks back on and says "I grew up there".  Marley also needs more space to run and play ~ she literally runs back and forth from front door to back door trying to get all her energy out.  Other than figuring out the next big housing chapter of our lives, my brain is slowly weeding out what my career will look like in the upcoming year.  I would love to be a stay at home mom and if money allows I hope to be.  If we need the money then I will teach part time ~ not too sure what that looks like and what grade level but know 100% I will not go back to full time.  My children are my priority at this point of my life and I am not interested in a career right now.  So housing and jobs ~ FUN! :)
    Now to the kiddies<3  Marley is still super into music, dance and playing.  Her big thing right now is asking to watch Gangnam Style on my iPad ~ she says "whoop whoop style?" with the little horse dance move arms crossed in front ~ so cute!  She also really loves to watch Walk Off the Earth music videos on youtube.  She was mouthing some words to their cover of "Trouble" today ~ again super cute:)  Can't wait to get her into some dance classes!!
    Jonah is the big 6 months old!  And huge!  He is such a sweet little man ~ lots of smiles and loves to watch Marley entertain.  For the last two weeks I have been trying to convince him to try solids (puree) but it is a GIANT NO GO:(  He purses his lips together, cries, turns his head, shows no interest in eating what so ever.  He likes to play with the spoon and that's about it.  He is a boob man 100% and that's where he wants to be!  He is getting good at holding items given to him and is big on reaching out to touch whatever sparks his interest.  I love holding onto him ~ he is one cute chubby guy:)
    I am really proud of myself as I have been working on a fitness challenge thru my gym and have made great progress.  I also was diagnosed with "pubic symphosis instability" which means the joint holding my two large pelvis bones together in the front is super loose.  It's a real bummer and can be super painful.  Have been working with physio and massage trying to get it back to better.  Sucks a lot right now because I can not run, do lunges, or any one legged thing.  I have to modify almost everything at the gym.  I have never had any major pain issues, illnesses, etc. except for this for the last two years and I am so ready to get it handled and move on.  It will most likely return if we decided to have more babies but at least I will know how to handle it.  It was disguised as a pulled groin up until about a month and a half ago.  Any day I am not in pain is a good day ~ I catch myself walking around, cleaning, playing and am like "whoa not hurting right now" because I have been so used to being in a lot of pain everyday.  Any progress is good progress and I am just going to work on getting stronger.  
    I am looking forward to spring and can not wait to get outside and play with the kids on GRASS!:)  So let's sum it up:
1.  Pray we sell our townhouse NOW so we can start the next great chapter in a house with space, a yard, more than 2 bedrooms:)  SEND POSITIVE THOUGHTS OF SELLING OUR WAY NOW THANKS:D
2.  Figure out the job situation for next year~ maintain balance with family and work if I have to return part time.  Not even balance really more like family is most important ~ supplement it with a little cash from work.
3.  Marley and Jonah are probably the most amazing little human beings in the whole wide world and I love them to bits!
4.  Fitness Challenge is going well and looking forward to seeing what I accomplish in March.  Will share all the details once challenge is complete (maybe even some pics we'll see how brave I am:)
5.  Diagnosed with PSI ~ dealing with it and trying to heal.  No more pain I eventually I hope:)  Well not until next baby (hehe c'mon Paul I know you want too;) :)
6.  SO READY FOR SPRING AND SUMMER!  Not a winter, cold weather person ~ probably should move to somewhere like southern California when I retire:)

Next time I post it will be about how we sold our house, I figured out the job situation, how much weight I loss, and how well my PSI is doing:) And it will be Spring because it's almost March! Yaya!

Let's pray for all the good things to come our way!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mommy's Little Dancer

My girl has a gift...
Show was just starting! Go DoodleBops! 

I am positive Marley is meant to dance, sing, entertain, create.  She danced before she could walk.  As soon as she could sit up on her own she started grooving.  I really think that we are born with a little purpose, a natural passion.  Marley's is to dance.  Tonight we went to our first musical production ~ Strawberry Shortcake and the Doodlebops.  Just watching the look on her face made the hour long drive well worth it.  She moves so naturally to the music.  She attempts to sing the songs they sing.  She claps, smiles, wiggles ~ and looks so unbelievably happy.  So satisfied.  So fulfilled.  When we wake in the morning she asks for "muqik"~ music to dance, spin, hop.  She says "mommy try" after every cool little move.  It is so adorable and makes me smile.  She likes all kinds of music and she loves watching dancing on the computer/tv/etc.  It's almost like she was a dancer or performer of some sort in a past life ~ she is an old soul, not yet two but seems to be so sure above her dance.  You can tell she is so amazed when she tries something new ~ so impressed with her ability.  I will encourage her ~ if dance/performance makes her happy I will make sure I support her in that.  I think too many kids get "cut off" or directed away from something like the arts.  I will make sure she can experience what she feels so happy doing.  I love this girl so much.  She is a toddler with such confidence, enthusiasm, love, curiosity, sweetness and intuition.  She's my little dancer<3

Strawberry Shortcake happens to be a old highschool friend of mine ~ we used to do theatre together!

I can't wait to do it again!  We are so hitting up Broadway in NYC when she gets a little older!  She would love it!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Gitter done!

I am not one of those "special" cases ~ you know those ladies that have a second baby and a couple months later look as fit and lean as they did before they were even pregnant.  I was probably in the best shape of my life (and happiest with my body) right before I was pregnant with my daughter Marley.  I had just completed a life-changing 12 weeks doing bootcamp at a local gym and was so excited with the very fit and healthy me.  My very last week is when I took a pregnancy test due to some common prego things and voola I was pregnant!  That was a wonderful moment!  I have always been an active girl ~ my weight has gone up and down slightly from about mid-teens til now.  I really enjoyed pregnancy because I didn't feel self conscious like I once did ~ who cares if my tummy sticks out now!:)  It was a freedom I have never experienced since hitting puberty even when I was in great shape.  I gained about 35 or so pounds with that first pregnancy and the weight came off fairly easily ~ I started back at my gym (Excel Fitness Vernon BC ~ http://excelfit.ca ~fitness class based sort of like bootcamp) at about 6 months post partum and became pregnant again 9 months post partum.  I was about 8 pounds shy of my ideal weight at that time but still happy with the progress I had made.  So here I am now 5 months post partum, round 2 and the weight is coming off slow as a turtle.  I started back at my gym at 5 weeks post partum but didn't really focus on food/nutrition until about 3 weeks ago.  Having two babies is no excuse but the fact of the matter is that I am tired and busy busy busy.  At the start when I was getting into the groove I would look at the clock and it would be two in the afternoon and I had not had a bite to eat yet!  Of course my kiddos were fed and happy as clams.  I am making a conscious effort to take the time to eat, drink and be merry even if one of them is crying.  So a few weeks ago I signed up for a 60 day fitness challenge ~ pledged to take minimum 4 classes a week, eat super healthy, no coffee, no alcohol, etc.  I am sticking to it ~ eating great, drinking a ton of water, exercising and I am feeling great.  I am down 5 pounds already and am very satisfied with that.  I gained about 30 pounds with this last pregnancy and it seems like it is just lingering so I am glad to have an action plan set in motion.  Of course sleep aids in weight loss but I can not change that:)  At least there are a couple things I can control like what goes into my mouth, exercise, etc. and that will get me closer to my goal.  Other than being a healthier me, my main reason for wanting to drop pounds is to fit into my damn clothes! :)  Nothing worse than having a bunch of nice pre-baby clothes sitting in your closet just starring at you!  Can't wait to pull on that one pair of nice jeans and zip them up without sucking it in:)  Here's to success and health!
Ground Turkey Quinoa salad with homemade hummus guacamole
Oh and a small organic whole chicken in the slow cooker with veggies is a to-die-for yummy recipe ~ just pinterest it!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jonah ~ 5 Month Update :)

My little man is so sweet!  Jonah has such an easy going personality.  I love how much he loves me ~ he is getting so expressive now ~ when he sees me he waves his arms and gives a squeal.  He has starting rolling over from back to tummy but gets stuck.  Poor little guy!

He laughs so hard at Marley and is constantly watching her every move in complete astonishment.  She is so good with him and always asks to "hob him" ~ she is gently and loving.  Jonah is sleeping thru the night and naps around three to four times a day.  He nurses often throughout the day ~ probably every couple of hours.  He loves tickles and raspberries on his belly.  He is a giant of a baby and is off the charts in height and weight.  I love this stage he is coming into ~ cute, chubby baby body, learning to sit up, trying out solid foods, playing with toys.

Baby Joe's eyes are staying blue and his hair is looking lighter and lighter.  He is currently in swimming lessons as a Starfish (and Marley is a Duck).  He falls asleep pretty easy in the car and is not a big fan of his carseat just yet.  It will be nice when spring rolls around and we can do way more things outside.  He has grown out of so many pieces of clothing (he is wearing 9-12 month stuff)!  Jonah is not a soother baby or a thumb sucker yet ~ I don't know if that will become a thing like it was and is for Marley.  He is my angel baby and I love my big "baby man":)

More Babies is Better

People typically ask questions about having two kids ~ especially so close together (18 months).  I say it's great but can be very hard sometimes.  Having one baby is busy and as they get older and gain more independence the busy-ness stays but just changes.  Throw another very dependant little being into the mix and you are super busy.  Days are full of diaper changes, feeding(solids to one, breast to the other), kissing boo boos and making them smile.  Time becomes almost invisible except for when nap time rolls around or you just really need your partner to come home from work so you can go pee.  Being a parent has a lot of rewards like the intense eye contact I have with my little man Jonah ~ it is such a wonderful conversation without words.  He eyes tell me how much he loves me, how funny he thinks I am, how amazing and interesting the world is.  My daughter is a little old soul who seems to know so much for someone not yet two.  She can read body language and facial expressions like you would not believe.  Subconsciously I may look tired, stressed, worried and she will call me out on it.  There is no hiding with her:)  She already displays so much empathy, sympathy and love.  "You ok mama?" head tilt, bright blue eyes with a little smile ~ this alway brightens the moment even if I haven't even had a chance to brush my hair and change my baby puke clothes and it's already pass noon.  It is a whirlwind and sometimes it can feel overwhelming ~ babies both crying, needing you at the same time, house is a mess, your clothes have spit up on them, and the dog needs out and you just want to go have a nap:)  But the good times easily surpass these crazy moments.

You never know what to expect ~ tomorrow Jonah might learn to roll over from his tummy to his back or Marley might throw out one of her 5 word sentences.  It is like no other "job" I have ever done before.  I love being a part of so many amazing moments everyday ~ I love the adventures we get to go on ~ Marley is such an excited, animated, social, funny girl ~ a trip to the library to get a book receives a big "oooouuu yay!"  It is hard sometimes like I said and I think I would have to be either super human or a liar if I acknowledge that.  It is great though and I would not change it for anything.  I am very lucky and my babies are the epitome of love.  Next time (I hope there is one much to my husband's dismay :D ) I would wait a little longer to have another baby ~ maybe 2-3 years apart ~ mainly for my body's sake with all the changes and stress pregnancy and birth have on a body.  But for sure it is worth it to have them somewhat close together ~ the bond Marley and Jonah have is amazing already<3<3 I love being a mom and I am so thankful that I live this life everyday<3<3

Best Ever HEALTHY Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookie

Since this past Fall I have become SUPER excited about cooking and baking in general ~ I received a swaaeeet Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer for Christmas (thanks Mom:D ) and recently also purchased a really nice Hamilton Beach Food Processor (thanks post xmas sales at Canadian Tire:D ) ~ needless to say I have been whipping up a storm of yummies in my kitchen.  I love creating and changing recipes to suite the needs of my little family ~ my husband and I have always been super into organic and local ~ always keeping in mind that what you put into your body is simply fuel.  Since having my daughter (almost 2!) and another baby recently (almost 5 months!) I have discovered a new passion for making sure what we are eating is good for us.  I would never want my daughter to run on processed food and we are so lucky to have a great market in our town which sells mostly organic, natural and local foods (thank you Nature's Fare<3).  We have been buying these yummy organic cookies and I figured I might as well try my hand at a few recipes to see what I can come up with.  After doing a bunch of research I found a good base recipe that I have altered to fit our family.  These are the yummiest Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies that I have ever had and I hope you enjoy them too!

Here's the ingredients you'll need to make some magic happen(I included the brand in italics ~ if I write NF it just stands for Nature's Fare organic brand):

1/2 cup Coconut Oil (Omega Nutrition)
1/2 cup organic Peanut Butter Smooth or Chunky (New World Natural Foods)
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour (Sunny Boy)
1 1/2 cups DARK brown sugar (NF)
3/4 cup rolled oats(NF)
1/4 cup oat bran(NF)
4 tbsp Vanilla Almond Milk (Earth's Own Almond Fresh)
2 teaspoons Vanilla extract (Frontier Vanilla Extract Fair Trade)
1 tbsp corn starch (NF)
1 tbsp Raw Coconut Vinegar (Coconut Secret)
1 teaspoon baking powder (NF)
1 teaspoon baking soda (NF)
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1 tbsp Golden Flax Meal~ground (NF)
1 tbsp Hemp Seeds~"hearts" (Manitoba Harvest)
3/4 cup chocolate chips~dark bittersweet 71% + cocoa (Cuisine Camino Fair Trade Chocolate)

OPTIONS:  to make gluten free use brown rice flour, apple cider vinegar instead of raw coconut vinegar though raw coconut is proven to be a healthier alternative, to add omega oils you can add 1 tbsp of Vega Antioxidant Omega Oil Blend :)

1.  Heat oven to 350F
2.  In a bowl combine peanut butter, coconut oil, sugar and vanilla extract (I used my stand mixer but this could easily be mixed by hand)
3.  In another bowl combine flax seed, almond milk, corn starch and raw coconut vinegar.  Stir it up then pour into bowl with peanut butter mixture.  Mix it up!
4.  Can use the same clean dry ingredient bowl used for step 3 and mix flour, rolled oats, oat bran, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and hemp hearts.  Mix it up by hand!
5.  Take wet ingredients bowl from stand mixer (if you used one) and stir in dry ingredients.  Then add your chocolate chips and mix it up:)
6.  Use parchment paper on a cookie sheet.  I like to swipe a tiny little fingerprint of oil in each corner for my parchment paper to stick too.
7.  Roll up cookie dough balls (1 inch diameter) and place on cookie sheet about an inch apart.  Bake for 12 minutes (this is about the perfect time for the cookie to be soft on the inside and just the perfect crunchiness on the outside)
8.  Cool for 5-10 minutes
9.  Enjoy a warm cookie with a cold glass of vanilla Hemp Bliss milk! :D
10.  Leave the kitchen so you don't eat them all!

In the picture above I had also packed some cookie dough into a heart shaped silicone muffin cup ~ it turned out great ~ maybe an idea for Valentine's Day <3
