Sunday, January 20, 2013

More Babies is Better

People typically ask questions about having two kids ~ especially so close together (18 months).  I say it's great but can be very hard sometimes.  Having one baby is busy and as they get older and gain more independence the busy-ness stays but just changes.  Throw another very dependant little being into the mix and you are super busy.  Days are full of diaper changes, feeding(solids to one, breast to the other), kissing boo boos and making them smile.  Time becomes almost invisible except for when nap time rolls around or you just really need your partner to come home from work so you can go pee.  Being a parent has a lot of rewards like the intense eye contact I have with my little man Jonah ~ it is such a wonderful conversation without words.  He eyes tell me how much he loves me, how funny he thinks I am, how amazing and interesting the world is.  My daughter is a little old soul who seems to know so much for someone not yet two.  She can read body language and facial expressions like you would not believe.  Subconsciously I may look tired, stressed, worried and she will call me out on it.  There is no hiding with her:)  She already displays so much empathy, sympathy and love.  "You ok mama?" head tilt, bright blue eyes with a little smile ~ this alway brightens the moment even if I haven't even had a chance to brush my hair and change my baby puke clothes and it's already pass noon.  It is a whirlwind and sometimes it can feel overwhelming ~ babies both crying, needing you at the same time, house is a mess, your clothes have spit up on them, and the dog needs out and you just want to go have a nap:)  But the good times easily surpass these crazy moments.

You never know what to expect ~ tomorrow Jonah might learn to roll over from his tummy to his back or Marley might throw out one of her 5 word sentences.  It is like no other "job" I have ever done before.  I love being a part of so many amazing moments everyday ~ I love the adventures we get to go on ~ Marley is such an excited, animated, social, funny girl ~ a trip to the library to get a book receives a big "oooouuu yay!"  It is hard sometimes like I said and I think I would have to be either super human or a liar if I acknowledge that.  It is great though and I would not change it for anything.  I am very lucky and my babies are the epitome of love.  Next time (I hope there is one much to my husband's dismay :D ) I would wait a little longer to have another baby ~ maybe 2-3 years apart ~ mainly for my body's sake with all the changes and stress pregnancy and birth have on a body.  But for sure it is worth it to have them somewhat close together ~ the bond Marley and Jonah have is amazing already<3<3 I love being a mom and I am so thankful that I live this life everyday<3<3

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