Monday, November 7, 2011

Holy Smokes! Where did the last month go?

Who knew balloons make such great friends?<3
I just saw the last time I posted and couldn't believe my eyes! October 15?  Wow ~ when you have a baby and the baby routine everything just flies by.  So what has happened lately?  Well I am happy to report that I have joined a fitness club ~ it's not your typical gym ~ it's all class based (which I LOVE).  I really need someone to push me, I need to have signed up for a class to make sure that I will be there.  It is just to easy to come up with excuses especially now.  Marley is doing great in the little childcare they run there.  She plays, discovers and barely notices me when I return to pick her up.  Little social butterfly!  So that's great and I am already feeling better...and sleeping better.  I find my clock is so messed up right now and because I am really exercising hard, I am tired enough to fall asleep at a decent hour:) 

Marley is changing day by day.  She was a cute kitty for Halloween!  Love that baby! I love how much interaction and communication is happening.  She now signs "milk" when she wants a bottle (we are completely weaned now ~ not my choice ~ but I am not the boss).  She is also waving ~ we like to wave to our puppy Flora when we wake up in the morning or get home from errands.  This baby girl is a crazy clapper too!  Everything is so wonderful and I dread returning to work in 3 months:( We'll see though ~ luckily my husband and I have decided to be open to me staying home.  So once February 1 hits ~ we will do what feels right for our family.  I feel really lucky to have that support.

My new latest obsession (other than Marley of course) is COUPONING!  I have a album started and I have everything categorized & organized!  Very excited to save money.  I also have been downsizing my closet to bring in a little extra cash which has been great (and now I can hang clothes up because there is room!).  It is just nuts how much STUFF we accumulate and I more than happy to get rid of things I do not use.  Someone else could use it and with the way the economy is, folks like to buy used in many cases because that is what works for their budget.  

Cloth diapering is still going great!  Rockin Green is sort of working for us but I think I will be switching to The Laundry Tarts or Nellies.  I have heard great things about Laundry Tarts ~ and it's Canadian!  So these are some things that are popular in my household right now:
1.  Buying local (or at least Canadian) as much as possible.  Did you know Oral B floss is made in IRELAND?!?!  What the?
2.  Cut down on plastics ~ we have a wooden highchair (Vancouver BC based company ~ Guzzie & Guss), reusable bags, we go for wooden toys, etc.
3.  Cloth diapers and using baby facecloths as wipes (just use some water folks)
4.  Coupons are great and so is free stuff ~ there are tons of sites where you can get free samples and coupons ~ save some money!
5.  Sell items you don't use, don't need!  Clutter ain't pretty and we consume way too much as a society!  Things are not important!
6.  Physical activity is the spice of life.  Get moving!  I also suggested to my gym to put on fitness classes for mom n tot ~ and they are going to do it!  So excited for that!
7.  Volunteer, trade etc. for goods ~ I am volunteering in the childcare at the gym 1 day a week (for 2 hours) and this will pay for my childcare unlimited while I attend the gym!  Or it could pay for my gym pass if I didn't need childcare.  We also traded some items we don't need for some fresh garden veggies from some friends!  Again save money and be creative!

Marley is taking her first flight on Thursday ~ we are going away for a wedding ~ just to Alberta but still it will be an adventure.  We also used our Royal Bank points to pay for our flights!  I will be sure to report on the travelling with a 9 month old experience as soon as we return!