Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sleeping, Eating, Pooping

JONAH IS AMAZING!  He is 3 months today and I am loving him more every single second we get to hang out.  Right now we are working on a better sleep schedule trying to get moi a few more consecutive zzzz's.  Colds always seem to throw everything for a loop!  Jonah is now laughing (super cute!), smiling non-stop, holding onto toys sort of, and loves watching big sister Marley be a goof!  I am feeling good ~ back at the gym, eating, you know the usual:)  Loving staying home with the kids and can not imagine not doing it!  Marley is so good with Jonah and she never ceases to amaze me with the crazy things she says and does.  I am looking forward to watching her and Baby Joe play, actually play ~ I know he will be in stitches watching Marley fool around.  We seem to keep busy with Mother Goose, playgroups and running errands.  I can not believe it has already been 3 months ~ I am working on Joe's birth announcement and hopefully will have it out soon:)  We did get some pictures done which are true keepsakes~I sometimes feel I roll thru my day on auto-pilot and don't really take the time to be in the 'now' but that is changing as I am not making a conscious effort to take it all in a least a few times a day...taking pictures with my mind about what Marley and Joe look like...taking video in my mind about a funny thing Marley says or a cute look that Joe gives me...taking a breath and just hugging them and their cute little chubby baby bodies<3  I am so lucky!  Makes me heart so happy!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Jonah's Arrival

Jonah Glenn ~ born Wednesday August 22, 2012 1:47am

Our beautiful baby boy made his entrance on Wednesday August 22, 2012 at 1:47am!  I was able to have him naturally (a VBAC since my daughter was C-section) and it was the most amazing experience of my life.  I was full term plus some and baby boy McMillan took his sweet time.  I had false labour on Monday ~ and for anyone who has had false labour ~ it SUCKS!  You get all pumped up that soon baby will be here and then it peters out and simply leaves you tired and a little sore.  Then Monday night it started back up (something about 3am ~ it's the "witching" hour for sure!) By 8am or so I was having good contractions.  I waited until 511 (5 mins apart, 1 min long for 1 hour) and called my midwife around noon.  Oh and by the way GET A MIDWIFE if you are going to have a baby ~ the amount of one-on-one care and knowledge is astonishing!  She came and checked us out and I was around 3 cm dilated.  We waited a little while longer and had some yummy pasta to help with my energy for the labour.  It is quite interesting having good, strong contractions while looking after a 18 month old toddler ~ she just looks at you funny every time I stop to brace myself on a counter or wall until the contraction passed:)  At 3pm we headed up to the hospital and checked in.  Our midwife met us up there and stayed with us until 4 or so hours after he was born!  She is dedicated<3  SO...labour...well tried just walking around the room and would usually lean over a bed or chair for each contraction.  My husband Paul was super accomodating and would put pressure on my lower back as I was having a little back labour.  Moved to the shower eventually and by this time they are coming like crazy and my body is pretty shaky ~ I'd say we were at around 7pm or so...I eventually moved to the bed and took the gas to help ease the pain ~ all 4's, gas mask, very intense contractions~some 10 minutes long (peaking for 10 minutes folks!), blacked out a bit:)  Few hours later, took phentanol which I don't know if it helped or not ~ was close to 7 cms dilated, getting tired, changing positions to get things all lined up (ladies you know what I am talking about:), due to some circumstances decided to get an epidural at 9cm, crazy anestegiologist sort of reminds me of Dr. Nick from the Simpsons gave me a different type of epidural were I was not frozen but the pain of the contractions subsided enough for me to really focus and get baby out.  So after about 30 mins of pushing Baby JONAH arrived!
about 4 hours old ~ getting weighed and measured!  wants to go back to mama!!!:)

Right when he arrived he was put on my chest and they covered both of us with a blanket.  Paul announced that it was a baby boy at that time ~ not like we cared either way as we were so excited our healthy little guy was here!  We laid there for more than 3 hours, staring at each other, him napping on me and then our midwife checked him over on the table ~ did the weight and height and all that fun stuff (he weighed 8lbs 6oz, measured 20 inches, head size 34.5 cm).  That only took a couple minutes and he was back on me to feed.  He ate for about an hour and fell asleep on me once more.  So around 4-5am, our midwife finally got to go home! Thank you midwife<3  Paul slept for a bit and so did I.  He went home around 8am to help grandma get big sister up for a visit.  They all came up to the hospital shortly after 9am.  Jonah did not get named until the next day after we got to settle down a bit from all the excitement.  He is such a calm baby ~ very efficient eater and good little sleeper.  We are on week 6 right now and he has still not done any purple crying(knock on wood!).
A week old

We got to bring him home on the 23rd and it was so nice to be home.  Paul was lucky enough to spend 2 weeks at home helping me with Marley.  He eats about every 2 hours so I am pretty busy:)  Things are going great and we love have little Jonah Glenn in our home.  Marley is adapting quite well and so is our dog Flora.  He has been gaining weight like a little piggy and now weighs 12 lbs!  He was gaining 2 oz a day for a few weeks!  He has also grown 4 inches!  He is cute, cuddly and completely chill:)  He was an early smiler too (3 weeks!)  We are so happy and I could not feel anymore blessed with the way labour went.  I desperately wanted to have him on me immediately after arriving and we were able too ~ I felt so disconnected when Marley arrived via c-section because we didn't get to finally be with one another until 2 hours after surgery ~ it was very hard.  Recovery this time was so quick in comparison too!  We were at our local fair 1 week after he was born!  I am feeling good, Jonah is doing fantastic, Marley is a ham and Paul is such a great support.  I am so lucky<3<3

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Back in Action...and 30 weeks PREGNANT!

Okay so somebody tell me how it is already JUNE 2nd, 2012!  Time has flown by and I have not spent any time updating my blog!  Well here goes ~ so I have been working since the end of January.  New school, new students, daycare, oh and did I mention being PREGNANT again:)  Things have been going well ~ it is easy for me to admit that my career is for sure not as important as it once was.  All I want to do is get off work and spend time with Marley and Paul.  Luckily, Marley ADORES her daycare (as do I) so that has made this past 6 months way easier.  I struggled with leaving her for work ~ especially since the school district is still laying so many of us off.  Marley's daycare is so wonderful and it made all the difference.  Work was work and I am glad to be off sooner than later.  We have 3 more weeks of class than it will be MARLEY & ME time:)  We get a whole month and a couple weeks before the new baby is to arrive so I plan on doing something super fun every single day with Mars bar.  I was laid off again this past week (2nd to be cut so everyone below me is cut too ~ that is 419 all the way to 576!)  I am not worried as I will be the 2nd one to be recalled so I should know my "assignment" in a couple of weeks if not sooner.  They will then place someone in a long term TOC position to fill my spot as I am on Mat. leave as of September.

I know 2 kiddies will be crazy but I am so excited ~ family is really where my passion lies now.  The pregnancy has been more difficult than the first as I have a lot of hip and groin pain ~ I hurt my groin at the end of Marley pregnancy and that seemed to pop right back a couple months into this pregnancy.  We are 30 weeks right now and I am tired but surviving:)

Marley is growing like a weed and finally decided to walk about a month ago.  She is 16 months old!  She took her first steps about a month prior to walking full time.  It was getting to be very difficult to carry her around with the growing baby bump so I am so happy she is now up and at 'em!  Her words are coming along ~ mainly mama, dada, wawa, baba, pup pup, foee (for Flora our dog), and SHOES!  She already has a shoe obsession and loves changing shoes ~ she also likes to say 2 shoes!  Very adorable!  I don't know how much she understands about a new baby coming along but she sure likes to smack and kiss my growing belly.  We are going to wait to find out what the gender is and we have switched to a midwife who is amazing!  So yeah ~ that about sums up life right now...winding down work, summer break quickly approaching, playing with Marley, enjoying the pregnancy, and looking forward to August 17th (our due date)!  Paul is doing well too:D  I will try to write more often but we all know how that has been going!