My girl has a gift...
Show was just starting! Go DoodleBops! |

I am positive Marley is meant to dance, sing, entertain, create. She danced before she could walk. As soon as she could sit up on her own she started grooving. I really think that we are born with a little purpose, a natural passion. Marley's is to dance. Tonight we went to our first musical production ~ Strawberry Shortcake and the Doodlebops. Just watching the look on her face made the hour long drive well worth it. She moves so naturally to the music. She attempts to sing the songs they sing. She claps, smiles, wiggles ~ and looks so unbelievably happy. So satisfied. So fulfilled. When we wake in the morning she asks for "muqik"~ music to dance, spin, hop. She says "mommy try" after every cool little move. It is so adorable and makes me smile. She likes all kinds of music and she loves watching dancing on the computer/tv/etc. It's almost like she was a dancer or performer of some sort in a past life ~ she is an old soul, not yet two but seems to be so sure above her dance. You can tell she is so amazed when she tries something new ~ so impressed with her ability. I will encourage her ~ if dance/performance makes her happy I will make sure I support her in that. I think too many kids get "cut off" or directed away from something like the arts. I will make sure she can experience what she feels so happy doing. I love this girl so much. She is a toddler with such confidence, enthusiasm, love, curiosity, sweetness and intuition. She's my little dancer<3

Strawberry Shortcake happens to be a old highschool friend of mine ~ we used to do theatre together!
I can't wait to do it again! We are so hitting up Broadway in NYC when she gets a little older! She would love it!
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