I am not one of those "special" cases ~ you know those ladies that have a second baby and a couple months later look as fit and lean as they did before they were even pregnant. I was probably in the best shape of my life (and happiest with my body) right before I was pregnant with my daughter Marley. I had just completed a life-changing 12 weeks doing bootcamp at a local gym and was so excited with the very fit and healthy me. My very last week is when I took a pregnancy test due to some common prego things and voola I was pregnant! That was a wonderful moment! I have always been an active girl ~ my weight has gone up and down slightly from about mid-teens til now. I really enjoyed pregnancy because I didn't feel self conscious like I once did ~ who cares if my tummy sticks out now!:) It was a freedom I have never experienced since hitting puberty even when I was in great shape. I gained about 35 or so pounds with that first pregnancy and the weight came off fairly easily ~ I started back at my gym (Excel Fitness Vernon BC ~
http://excelfit.ca ~fitness class based sort of like bootcamp) at about 6 months post partum and became pregnant again 9 months post partum. I was about 8 pounds shy of my ideal weight at that time but still happy with the progress I had made. So here I am now 5 months post partum, round 2 and the weight is coming off slow as a turtle. I started back at my gym at 5 weeks post partum but didn't really focus on food/nutrition until about 3 weeks ago. Having two babies is no excuse but the fact of the matter is that I am tired and busy busy busy. At the start when I was getting into the groove I would look at the clock and it would be two in the afternoon and I had not had a bite to eat yet! Of course my kiddos were fed and happy as clams. I am making a conscious effort to take the time to eat, drink and be merry even if one of them is crying. So a few weeks ago I signed up for a 60 day fitness challenge ~ pledged to take minimum 4 classes a week, eat super healthy, no coffee, no alcohol, etc. I am sticking to it ~ eating great, drinking a ton of water, exercising and I am feeling great. I am down 5 pounds already and am very satisfied with that. I gained about 30 pounds with this last pregnancy and it seems like it is just lingering so I am glad to have an action plan set in motion. Of course sleep aids in weight loss but I can not change that:) At least there are a couple things I can control like what goes into my mouth, exercise, etc. and that will get me closer to my goal. Other than being a healthier me, my main reason for wanting to drop pounds is to fit into my damn clothes! :) Nothing worse than having a bunch of nice pre-baby clothes sitting in your closet just starring at you! Can't wait to pull on that one pair of nice jeans and zip them up without sucking it in:) Here's to success and health!
Ground Turkey Quinoa salad with homemade hummus guacamole |
Oh and a small organic whole chicken in the slow cooker with veggies is a to-die-for yummy recipe ~ just pinterest it!
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