Monday, October 3, 2011

To sleep or not to sleep? That is the question.

Well it's Sunday night or Monday morning depending on how you look at it ~ I unfortunately can not sleep (I find my biological clock is completely out of whack since having Marley) so I decided to work on my blog a bit.  This past weekend was a bit of a "baby break" for me as I was playing in a ball tourney.  It was nice to be able to do my own thing ~ not have to constantly be attending to Marley but I sure did miss her when it came down to it!  Luckily she got to spend the weekend with Paul aka Daddy<3  I think it is so good to have that quality bonding time where a bossy, "A" type, and sometimes pushy mama bear isn't around critiquing every little thing.  I'm not talking about myself of course ~ I obviously am not like that;) I know Paul really appreciates all the time he gets to spend with her.  And I found that being away (even if it was only a couple hours at a time) really recharges my batteries and makes me a better mama.  That being said I want to be around her every chance I get.  I cringe at the thought of having to return to work. I know some moms want to have the career and I know some moms want to stay at home.  I feel like I have focused on my career for so long(since grade 8 technically) that my mind and heart want to (and is ready to) focus on family now.  When I first found out we were expecting, my mind made a complete shift from career to family.  And I can 100% say that I feel this is what I should be doing, this is where I should be.  To stay at home with my children(YES WE ARE GOING TO HAVE MORE EVENTUALLY:) would be a dream.  I look forward to the day I can.  Don't get me wrong I still have a passion for teaching and theatre but what I am feeling right now goes deeper than that passion ever has been for me.  I truly feel I am doing exactly what I should be doing right now...well not right at the moment ~ I know I should be sleeping:)  But you know what I mean.  A new chapter has begun...I can work for the rest of my life but my baby girl Marley is only going to be a baby for a little while longer (of course she will always be my baby even when she is 80 years old)!  She is an amazing little creature<3 
Sweet dreams ~ I am off to bed<3

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