Still in pajamas
Have you ever had one of those days where you look at the clock and it's 9:00pm and you realize you didn't change out of your pajamas that you were wearing when you woke up this morning? neither;)
Except for today~baby Marley and I just hung out in our home all day. Maybe other mamas can relate ~ those wonderful days when you just spend time together and not worry about laundry or dishes until baby is napping. When she wakes up from a nap, you feed her, change her and then just play. Just be. I took the time to go thru activity to activity like reading stories (her fav right now is Three Little Mermaids and Peekawho?), showing her the plants outside, laying on our foam play mat just looking at one another. And then it's off to a nap and I get some chores done and then she awakes and we do it again. I fed her in her bumbo during lunch without a diaper (you know bare bum time) then I hear "splat, splat, splat" ~ you know when you just smack or tap some water on a hard surface. Yeah Marley had peed and was tapping the pee puddle with her left foot while munching on cheerios. It was so funny ~ so I cleaned it up and pulled her out of the bumbo and sat her on a receiving blanket on the kitchen tile. We spent some time looking at tupperware containers and a rubber piggy then she made a grunt sound. Ok I know that's the poo face ~ you know the one ~ where they turn red and I jumped up ~ quick thinking let her poo on the blanket or take her to the potty. So I grabbed her and carried her over to the bathroom and sat her on the edge of the potty. She is 8 months old and was just smiling away then the grunt face came back and she pooed in the toilet ~ I don't mean to brag but I was pretty proud! LOL! Overall it was such a great day of just being together ~ I think every mama and papa needs to spend a day just hanging out together<3

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