Here is what is new with Marley (3 yrs in 24 days!):
- Can dress herself
- Doesn't wear a diaper at all now (even at night!) and can go potty all by herself
- Asks me things like "Can I say Damn-it?" and I say "No. That's an adult word" and she replies "Damn-it." Little bum:)
- Is a big helper around the house ~ puts away cutlery, wipes up messes, folds laundry (some what) and gets me things like diapers, wipes, etc.
- Teaches Jonah not-so-baby-friendly things like standing on chairs and sitting on tables ~ thank you Marley!
- Is very excited about Ballet class which she is going into this Spring. Has been practising a lot around the house.
- Likes to put jewellery on Jonah, wash him, and read to him. Very sweet <3
- Loves using the "pad" (my i-pad) ~ I think she knows more than I do already!
- Can do up the chest buckle on her carseat all by herself.
- Is adamant to do things by herself ~ and let's me know by firmly yelling "Let me do it!"
- Has gone to the dentist and received rave reviews.
- Cuddles RAFFIE still and thumbsucks.
- Stopped taking a bottle (we stopped giving her a bottle) about a couple months ago thank goodness.
- Had a temper tantrum when we went to sit on Santa's lap after spending forever in the line up. She was all excited and the moment she was to walk up to him she crashed. Not fun Marley! But we tried again the next day and after some bribery and Mommy sitting in the photo we had a good one taken!
- Dance is still her favourite thing in the whole world ~ second is princesses!
She is as sweet and beautiful as one comes. Everywhere we go people tell her how beautiful she is. She loves interacting with anyone and always strikes up conversations with someone. She is funny, goofy, silly, caring, smart and gorgeous. Love this girl to bits!
Here is what is new with Jonah (16 months):
- Says Ma, Mama, Dada (only when he is mad at mama will he call for dada otherwise dada is mama haha), moo, nay, meow, woof, something that sounds like quack-quack.
- Loves animal sounds and pictures of animals.
- Is not speaking yet though he grunts little syllables that would be a sentence if he had words.
- Gets frustrated at me when I don't understand what his caveman grunts mean ~ I skipped that class in high school sorry buddy!
- I get frustrated at his grunting (especially since Marley starting talking to me when she was less than a year) girl vs boy I guess:) Paul says he is a little difficult now but Marley will be in the long run hahah:)
- His comprehension on the other hand is excellent and knows what things are, how to do things, follow directions, etc. He has a very mischievous side and will look at you out of the corner of his eye, grinning, with his little pointy finger out about to touch something I am saying "ta ta" too. Little brat:)
- He is starting to get taller so he is losing that chubby little baby boy figure and is looking more like a toddler.
- He cries because he doesn't have words so I get driven a smudge crazy sometimes haha:)
- He still is breastfeeding a couple times a day ~ never took a bottle, hated soothers and never thumb sucked. Finally more interested in drinking milk from a cup so hoping I won't be breastfeeding a 4 year old! Hoping to be done in the next month or so.
- Just started forming an attachment to a little soft stuffed puppy so at least he has something other than me to comfort him! Marley still has her raffies so I think he watched her and learned from her which is great.
- He is a hugger, a kisser, a cuddler, a wrestler (pinch, bite, hair pull) and a ham. I think he is more sensitive than Marley and his funny personality shines thru most when he is with his family.
- Makes the most funny CHEESE face!
- Almost gets "where's your nose?" right
- Likes to keep things away from you if he thinks you want it.
- Likes tools.
- Likes to climb everything ~ has fallen off of everything. Is a DANGER BABY!
- Has had a black eye, a huge goose bump, bloody mouth, scraped face, bleeding nose! Gives mommy a heart attack often!
- Has a lot of teeth ~ went thru a tough time teething, lots of fevers!
- Can run fast.
- Loves to be pulled on the sled ~ loves Marley right behind him holding onto him too.
- Eats A LOT! And is messy ~ takes a lot of baths!
- Is in LOVE with Flora our bulldog ~ she is the first thing he wants to see in the morning. He pets her and kisses her.
Both Marley and Jonah have been really healthy this winter so that is great! We attend Mother Goose and the library often. Marley can memorize a book very quickly so it almost sounds like she is reading it! I am looking forward to Jonah talking ~ just hearing his voice ~ communicating with him. It will be such a treat and make life a little easier especially if there is something wrong. Both are going into swimming lessons this winter/spring ~ Jonah adores the water so I think he will enjoy that. It will also be really neat to see Marley in a dance or gymnastic class:) Overall they are doing great! Most days are a blur and I am trying to slow down and take it all in before it's over. I am still thinking I will head back to work to some degree in the Fall ~ and trying to look at it as a positive for the kids to socialize and make friends. Even though some days are nuts and I feel like I might go nuts I feel so lucky to be with them everyday. See their firsts, help them, watch them, play with them. It is very special. I llooovvveee those little babies!