You know when you come across something and you think to yourself "this is awesome ~ I wish someone had told me about this ages ago!" Well that's what I am going to do:) I am one of those people that has a bit of an A type personality ~ I research the heck out of things before I make decisions. Today I will focus on SKIN CARE, BEAUTY and HAIR CARE products. Here are some things I wish I knew about a long time ago:
1. I have a huge appreciation for things that have pure ingredients and can thank a book called the GREEN GODDESS for that. I had many aha moments reading that book. When I was a teenager I would use all those products that you commonly find in the drugstore and that are well advertised. I hated having skin that would break out so I would go buy more of this product to "fix" the problem. After reading this book and investigating the ingredients in products I use I realize that it is a snowball effect that only benefits these companies. So read that book and clean out your makeup, hair and skin products ~ you might be sad that it's money down the toilet but will benefit your skin & hair in the long run! Which brings me to my next one!
2. SUKI ~ they make skincare and hair care products ~ organic and natural all the way and not tested on animals. They are fabulous and have research to back their products up. You can even eat their Lemongrass Scrub! It does come with a bit more of a price tag than crap you buy at the drugstore. Comparable to crap you can buy at the counter at say the Bay or Sears (which have horrible ingredients BTW). I buy mine at Nature's Fare ~ but pretty sure lots of natural foods type store carry it. If not you can always get it online and sometimes they have great sales. I usually do a toner and moisturizer in the morning and a cleanser and then toner before bed.
3. CURELLE ~ this is a Vancouver based company that I use for hair care products. They have great ingredients as well and don't test on animals. They have one product that removes other product buildup, chlorine, etc. and it is fabulous!
4. ZUII ~ makeup products They are amazing ~ again I get mine at Nature's Fare. Please do you skin a service and check the ingredients in your makeup ~ especially your eye makeup! This is one of my favourite brands but there are many great organic, natural brands out there. Use them! Gabrielle is another one. Great BLUSH! Earth Lab is another one MADE IN KELOWNA!! Best mascara ever! Aveda of course is wonderful too. You can buy it at Seasons Salon and Spa in Vernon BC.
5. BACK TO EARTH products ~ this is a little company out in Lavington BC that has skin care, hair care, cleaning supplies, detergent, candles, and the list goes on! They are awesome too. I am in love with their Sweet Pea Baby Balm ~ heals any diaper rash one time around ~ chap cheeks from cold windy days healed, scratches, scraps you name it. I use it on my skin too!
6. EMU OIL I like this brand a lot ~ their concentrated emu oil is an awesome all-around product and it's BABY SAFE too! If I have a dry patch of skin, this fixes it asap. I also would take an eyeliner brush and put some on my eyelashes when a bunch fell out right after my son was born. They regrew back fast (within 2 weeks) and they were full and soft! I just put it on like eyeliner right before bed (don't do too much as it will get in your eyes). And it is usually all absorbed by morning. Also great for cracked hands!
7. BEST HAND CREAM IN THE WORLD is called GARDENER'S DREAM CREAM by Aroma Crystal (a BC company!) I buy mine at Nature's Fare as well. I apply this every night before bed and when my hands are super dry and cracked. This doesn't sting ~ it is soothing and has lavender so super relaxing to breath in. Lasts a long time so it is money well spent. This is the only hand cream/lotion I have EVER used in my whole life that actually works! So great!
8. GOT BLEMISHES, BREAKOUTS, ACNE? Ok this will be the only product I promote that has chemically based ingredients but I have researched it and trust in the product. My doctor prescribed it to me back when I was pregnant with my first and my hormones went all wonky around 2nd trimester. Ever since then I swear by this stuff. I break out in a couple spots once in a while and this is an overnight fix. I get mine in a tube, lotion form ~ put it on before bed and let it work it's magic. Ever since I was a preteen I probably have tried every possible brand, every possible treatment. Organic, natural, not-so-good ingredients (like Clean & Clear type stuff), expensive, cheap, you name it! This stuff works! And it is covered by my health care provider so that also helps. It runs about $60 for a tube about the same size of toothpaste which will last you a long time! Wish I had this when I was a teenager! Here's the company info on the product
9. Let's talk HAIR! So best flat iron would have to be by Zazen (my stylist got in for me at the beauty supply) and best hairdryer would have to be my HOT TOOLS one ~ got it at Chatter's:) Don't cheap out on blow dryers ~ I can't believe how fast I can dry my thick hair now!
Hope this helps! Off to nurse Jonah! Oh the things I do when nap time is over LOL!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Monday, March 18, 2013
I did it!
Great news! I won the 60 Day Fitness Challenge that was hosted by my training facility ~ Excel Fitness! Since the start of January I have lost 23 pounds, 24 inches and 8.4% body fat. I am so excited to keep going on my journey to reach my health & fitness goals. It took a lot of hard work and will power to come this far and has become a lifestyle now. I don't find the cravings, etc. like I used to have. I am really focusing on the whole food is fuel thing and making sure I am putting wholesome, balanced, healthy things in my body. My energy level is of course up and I fit into all my old jeans ~ most are even baggy now! Here is a list of some of the biggest changes (that are so simple too!):
1. Eat a very healthy breakfast ~ I like to alternate between smoothies, cereal with fruit and yogurt, peanut butter on rice cake with scrambled egg and fruit.
2. Eat often to keep blood sugar up and keep cravings down ~ I eat about 5-6 smaller meals a day ~ whether it's some dried fruit and nuts for a snack or a banana ~ keep that food coming!
3. Drink water (or no caffeine tea) CONSTANTLY ~ I have 2 awesome water bottles that are squeeze ones from lulu lemon that are always filled and kicking around my house. My little girl and I are always sipping on water now!
4. Take a multivitamin AND a PROBIOTIC ~ I have found that you really need to have a healthy digestive system to be healthy.
5. Drink peppermint tea in the evening ~ I used to love snacking after dinner once the babies were in bed ~ now I sip on some yummy peppermint tea (which is AWESOME for digestion) before bed so my digestive system works efficiently while I sleep ~ less bloating, more regular, feel better
6. Make dinner your last meal ~ if you have fuelled your body properly all day long I find that I am not hungry after dinner. If you stop eating after dinner (or a minimum of 3 hours before bedtime) this gives your body a chance to do it's own little cleanse overnight!
7. Work out EFFICIENTLY ~ I exercise many times a week ~ at least 6 times ~ most are hard core cardio and 1 or 2 are based on strength training. My main goal is to cut the pounds, inches and body fate at this point and once I get to my magic number then I will probably pop up the strength classes. You can do cardio every day ~ it doesn't have to be intense, almost puking, sweating like a pig cardio but move everyday! You will never leave a workout regretting it but you will regret not doing doing it! I love to really push myself and sweat a whole lot ~ this again acts as a mini cleanse and gets rid of toxins in your system.
8. Cut our dairy and red meat ~ you can get calcium from SOOOO many other sources and protein and iron from sooooo many other sources that are easier for you to digest. I do eat some cheese here or there but that's about it. Almond milk, hemp milk, rice milk are all great "milk" alternatives! Throw a portabello mushroom in your pasta sauce instead of beef! Beans!
9. Weigh in only once in a while ~ if you are concerned about the number, don't be! It's all a journey! I weigh in Monday morning ~ before I eat but after I have nursed my 6 month old baby:)
10. Rocks! I filled a mason jar with rocks and every time I lose a pound I move it to the LOST jar! It's is a good visual reminder of my goal and it feels so good to fill up my LOST jar!
11. FOCUS on your fitness and eating great ~ I used to wear a lot of makeup and spend time doing my hair, etc. That's NOT a bad thing but I have chosen to cut that down a ton and spend that time and energy on fitness and eating well. Once I hit my goal then I will work at maintaining it but I can then spend time on the exterior beauty things:) If you are skipping breakfast because you are doing hair and makeup STOP and go eat something! Go for a walk ~ you will feel so much better about yourself once you are not hiding behind those things:)
12. TREAT YOURSELF PLAN ~ you don't need to cut out every treat, a dessert, a coffee, etc. just make a plan ~ my plan is that I can have ONE treat ONCE a week. My treat day is Sunday ~ I don't go crazy but I typically have my yummy piece of dark chocolate or a little piece of carrot cake. Don't beat yourself up if you accidentally jumped off the wagon ~ just reset the next morning and start new!
Okay~I think that about covers what I am practicing right now:) I will keep you posted on my future progress!
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Transformation in 60 days! Down 23lbs, 24 inches & 8.4% body fat!!! |
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