JONAH IS AMAZING! He is 3 months today and I am loving him more every single second we get to hang out. Right now we are working on a better sleep schedule trying to get moi a few more consecutive zzzz's. Colds always seem to throw everything for a loop! Jonah is now laughing (super cute!), smiling non-stop, holding onto toys sort of, and loves watching big sister Marley be a goof! I am feeling good ~ back at the gym, eating, you know the usual:) Loving staying home with the kids and can not imagine not doing it! Marley is so good with Jonah and she never ceases to amaze me with the crazy things she says and does. I am looking forward to watching her and Baby Joe play, actually play ~ I know he will be in stitches watching Marley fool around. We seem to keep busy with Mother Goose, playgroups and running errands. I can not believe it has already been 3 months ~ I am working on Joe's birth announcement and hopefully will have it out soon:) We did get some pictures done which are true keepsakes~I sometimes feel I roll thru my day on auto-pilot and don't really take the time to be in the 'now' but that is changing as I am not making a conscious effort to take it all in a least a few times a day...taking pictures with my mind about what Marley and Joe look like...taking video in my mind about a funny thing Marley says or a cute look that Joe gives me...taking a breath and just hugging them and their cute little chubby baby bodies<3 I am so lucky! Makes me heart so happy!